Exams Analysis 2021-22
We are delighted to report an exceptional set of results at GCSE, Cam Tech and A level for the academic year 2021-22 which highlight the incredible hard work of both our pupils and staff.
With it being the first full exam series to take place since 2019 there was a great deal of uncertainty around grade boundaries amid lots of talk in the media around a return to previous levels. This did not affect us here at BGI in the slightest as our pupils attainment outstripped that of 2019 by a significant margin.
At A level pupils achieved highly and this enabled all of our Year 13 cohort to gain entry to their first choice university which is incredibly pleasing. To be able to set our pupils off so positively onto the next step of their journey makes all the hard work worthwhile. We are very proud of all our A level pupils across the board but would like to mention our highest performers in Thomas Berridge, Tommy Stott and Archie Tomblin who each received a very impressive set of results.
Performance in the Cambridge Technical subjects continues to be a real strength of our 6th form and attainment this year was extremely impressive as always. Our commitment to offering these courses is something which makes BGI stand out from other similar 6th forms and offers a genuine and purposeful alternative to the more traditional route of A levels.
At GCSE level BGI have excelled this year as we report an incredibly impressive set of results for a cohort which have had much to contend with throughout the covid affected academic years. Performance in the core subjects this year has been phenomenal and has completely justified the investment made to strengthen and expand the English, Maths and Science faculty over recent years. The performance in these areas is genuinely exceptional and we are incredibly proud of all our pupils and staff for their efforts.
Performance in our foundation GCSE subjects continues to be extremely strong and shows very impressive performance across our broad and balanced curriculum. A large proportion of subjects can boast 100% higher level pass rates and performance at the top end of the grade spectrum sees many pupils achieving grades 7-9. Particularly high performers across all GCSE subjects include Mario Brandon, Rachel Carter, George Clayton, Oliver Codrington, Jelena Ilic, Ismaeel Khan, Pollyanna Soderqvist and Sam Whitney.
We are incredibly proud of our pupils achievements at every level this year and would like to congratulate them on their significant successes. Of course, the hard work of our dedicated and talented teaching staff here at BGI has been vital to the pupils development and we would like to extend our appreciation for their unwavering commitment both in and out of the classroom.
Our new Year 11 and Year 13 cohorts have started the academic year in fantastic fashion this term so we look forward to the bar being set even higher next summer as we take the next step on our BGI academic journey.