Principal’s Blog

May 21st 2021

We were pleased to welcome Mr Woodward to our Senior Leadership Team after the Easter break as Head of Sixth Form, but he also gets involved with the younger age groups too and recently conducted an assembly for Years 6 to 13 all about wellbeing opportunities and the importance of taking care of ourselves. 

I am tremendously pleased to say that Mr Woodward has been really positive about joining the BGI School Team, when asked to sum up his first few weeks here, he said “To put it simply, it’s been fantastic.  This is because I have been made to feel incredibly welcome by staff and students.  The teachers are caring, committed and kind while the students are evidently happy, engaged and positive about their school.  These are exactly the attributes that a successful school needs and it is clear that we have them in abundance.  Thank you to all for making me feel part of the team and in particular the Sixth Form staff and students.” 

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