Principal’s Blog

March 28th 2024

This half of the term seems to have flown by and I am sure that our pupils are looking forward to the Easter break. As always, I would remind our Year 11s and Sixth Formers, who are rapidly approaching their formal examinations, that the break needs to be used wisely for revision purposes. They really must have a sensible revision timetable to follow and take note of the tips here.

Today, at the End of Term Assembly, it was nice to have all the pupils from Reception to Sixth Form on one site, which reminds me that we are getting ever closer to that being the norm. The Kimbolton Road pupils from Years 8 to 10 will be moving to Shakespeare Road in July after the completion of the formal examinations and as we head into a short transitional period, where the sixth formers will move to Kimbolton Road. This arrangement will make it easier as the current Year 10 pupils will not have to travel between sites, which they have been doing because some of their options are already co-ed. It will also ease pressure on some members of the teaching staff who travel between sites for the Years 8-10 age groups.

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